Episode 22: Small Changes Part 1

10 Simple things that can kick-start your Weight Loss and overall health

Small Changes

Often, the task of losing weight seems like so much work you might think it is impossible. But it’s not!  In fact, sometimes some small, almost insignificant changes can add up to big changes in your weight and health. If you are someone who is resistant to change yet you know you need to make improvements in the way you live, small changes might be your best approach to healthy weight loss. Baby steps might take you longer to reach your goal than if you dive in head first and make huge changes to your diet and exercise schedule. But you can still get there by taking baby steps.

In the long run you have to be honest with yourself.  If you make drastic changes, will those changes stick over the long term or are you more likely to rebound back to your old ways?  If the latter is true for you, then you should try to slowly develop good habits by making small yet productive changes that don’t excessively impact your usual routine. Once those changes have become habit (and this can take some time) you can make more small changes and get more benefits from those changes.

Some small changes that can add up to big improvements in your weight and health include:

•    Drink more Water
•    Reduce Stress
•    Get better Sleep
•    Weight-bearing Exercise
•    Increase your Activity Level
•    Be mindful of your Beverages
•    Test and fix your sluggish Metabolism
•    Listen for more!

In this podcast we will discuss each of these changes and how they impact your ability to lose weight. We will also show you some easy ways to start implementing these changes into your daily routine with very little effort. This could be the start of something big for you.

Aimee's Switchel Recipe

Switchel is an Old Amish drink which is like their form of natural gatorade drank during haying.
It’s full of antioxidants, electrolytes, boosts your immune system and  helps control weight.
It’s a very soothing and calming tea and helps your body relax and ready itself for sleep!

Aimee’s Recipe for Switchel:

Cut about a 1/4 cup of ginger root and turmeric root into small pieces and boil in filtered water until water turns rust color

Fill 2 mugs up with the boiled ginger and turmeric water

Juice one lemon and split evenly between mugs

Add 1 tsp. of Apple Cider Vinegar to each mug

Add 1 tsp. of Raw Honey to each mug

Add ice if desired

Enjoy with your loved ones!

Dr. Webster mentioned CatecholaCalm. A unique formulation specially designed for the ever-increasing number of “burned-out” anxious patients suffering from a unique combination of low cortisol and elevated catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine).

Thanks for listening to the Weight Loss Dictionary Podcast! We would love it if you would share our podcast with your friends!

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Intro song: It’s Time by Big Sandy and His Fly Rite Boys
Outro song: Take My Mind Far Away by Joshua James Hunt


Episode 21: How to Reduce Stress and Lose More Weight‏

reduce stress and lose more weight

Stress is important. Stress prepares you to survive an attack or dangerous situation by increasing the available energy to our arms and legs. This allows you to engage in the “fight or flight” response so you can either fight for your life or run for your life. This is pretty important when someone is trying to hurt you or something is trying to eat you!  Without the stress response your ancestors very well might not have survived the dangerous world in which they had to live.

But today, too much stress can be about as dangerous to your health as the absence of stress would have been to your distance relatives. The way the stress response prepares you for “fight or flight” is by increasing your blood pressure, increasing your blood sugar, increasing your triglycerides, increasing your cholesterol, increasing your heart rate, and increasing the blood flow to your arms and legs. Stress also causes decreased blood flow to your vital organs, decreased muscle tissue, and a decreased ability to relax, sleep, reproduce, digest, absorb nutrients and think critically. In other words, stress causes a bunch of things that we consider unhealthy and decreases a bunch of things that are healthy.

So the key to stress is balance. When you are in danger, you want stress to help save your life. But most of the time you need to try to avoid excess chronic stress, or at least manage your stress levels, if you want to stay healthy.  In this podcast we will discuss the dangers of stress (fatigue, insomnia, depression, anxiety, more) and how excess stress can make weight loss difficult. We will also discuss several great techniques for reducing and managing chronic stress so that you can improve your overall health and lose unwanted body fat.

If you are interested in the product we talked about called Insomnitol.

Thanks for listening to the Weight Loss Dictionary Podcast! We would love it if you would share our podcast with your friends!

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Intro song: It’s Time by Big Sandy and His Fly Rite Boys
Outro song: Take My Mind Far Away by Joshua James Hunt
